100% stretched polyester |
Coreless polyethylene braid. |
Polypropylene cords (raffia) white or black colour. Diameters 5
mm. three ends (gr/mt 12 about) TENSILE STRESS 330 Kg. Polypropylene cords (rafia) white
or black colour. Diameters 6 mm. 3/4 ends (gr/mt 18 about) TENSILE STRESS 430 Kg. Packing:
5 Kg. spools. |
Double heet braid 100% high strenght covered in polyester Taft, blue and red coloured. Diameters from 6 to 20 mm. |
DYNEEMA braid for technical professional usage |
Polypropylene braid in various colours. Diameters from 2 to 20 mm. |
Brilliant polyester high strength cord. UNFLOATING. Working
double twisted hawker rope. |
Polyester braid for starting engines, diameters 3/4/5 mm. |
Polyester double braid from 5 to 36 mm. opaque covering. From 5
to 36 mm. polished covering. From 5 to 36 mm. 100% high strength covering |
Square line polyester braid 100% high strength. Manufactured
through 8 spindles. |
100% stretched brilliant polyester cord. Textile strength UNFLOATING. Twisting processing. |
Ilfe S.r.l. – Sede Legale: Piazzetta E. Caruso 21 – 51031 Agliana (PT) Italy Sede Operativa e amministrativa: Via Venezia , 52/56 59013 Montemurlo (PO) Italy P.IVA & C.F. 01347650473 - REA PT-142067 - C.S. 14.000€ i.v.- Indirizzo PEC: ilfesrl@legamail.it - Tel +39 0574 684252 - Fax +39 0574683513 - E-mail info@ilfesrl.com |