Polyester yarns multifilament STRETCHED and POY semi-opaque, polished and black. Sizes on customer's demand.
Cores for inner plaits. Sizes on customer's demand. |
Ilfe S.r.l. – Sede Legale: Piazzetta E. Caruso 21 – 51031 Agliana (PT) Italy Sede Operativa e amministrativa: Via Venezia , 52/56 59013 Montemurlo (PO) Italy P.IVA & C.F. 01347650473 - REA PT-142067 - C.S. 14.000€ i.v.- Indirizzo PEC: ilfesrl@legamail.it - Tel +39 0574 684252 - Fax +39 0574683513 - E-mail info@ilfesrl.com |